
Free to Grieve – A Mother’s Memoir in Black and White

Free to Grieve - A Mother's Memoir in Black and White 1
Free to Grieve

Last week this time, I was up preparing to bury my beloved grandmom. Maybell Butler- Brown was officially welcomed into the pearly gates on Wednesday, January 16, 2013. While, I knew it was going to happen I was still not prepared. I had so many questions and wanted to place blame on so many. The hospital had truly made a mistake but why didn't God fix it.

I had the privilege of reading Free to Grieve- A Mother's Memoir in Black and White and found so many answers. This memoir is a compelling narrative of what a mother, Teleah Scott- Williams, felt over the sudden lost of her 16 year old son.  With each page, I was soothed by the personal excerpts of her journey and how she made something positive out of his death.

One excerpt truly left me in tears because it tugged at my heart and showed me that Angels do exist. Right after the New Year, I shared with you a story about my real life Super- Hero.  I need to amend that story and also give thanks to my angel, Maybell Butler-Brown. I truly believe my grandmom woke my son with a kiss so that he could rescue his sister.

Teleah Scott-Williams started  the Timothy Q Scott Foundation, in honor of her fallen son. This foundation spreads awareness about Sudden Cardiac Death in young athletes. Please support this mission by spreading the word, make a donation and sign the petition.

I signed the petition. Did you?


Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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  1. First, I want to give offer condolences and prayers on the loss of your grandmother. It is good that you found a book to help you better deal with the grieving process. Second, thanks for sharing this cause with us. It is an important one.

    Posted 1.29.13
  2. Oh, wow, what a powerful story. Hugs for you as you process what’s happened.

    Posted 1.29.13
  3. Rachee wrote:

    I am so sorry to hear aboutyour grandmother. Thanks for sharing this cause with me. I am definately going to check it out.

    Posted 1.29.13
  4. Heather H. wrote:

    So sorry to hear about your Grandma. I remember reading the sweet story you posted in the past about your grandmother when she first fell ill. I’m sure she has a host of angels surrounding your family, making sure your heroes swoop in when need be! What a scare with you daughter, but what a blessing she survived!

    Posted 1.31.13
  5. Very sorry for the lost of your grandma 🙁 (((hugs)))

    Posted 2.2.13
  6. To our Lord we belong; to our Lord we return. May u be blessed to find the inner peace that u need to continue to move forward in ur life. I pray that u can turn ur grief into the wonderful heart warming smiles that ur grandmother is shedding on u through the love pipeline. It certainly takes time as experienced by the loss of my father. My prayers are with u and ur family. Thanks for sharing.

    Posted 2.2.13

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