Connecting online has been one of the reasons that I enjoy social media. It provides a great way for readers to get first hand information about various products and services.
Let's Connect:
Brand Ambassador: I am available to represent your brand at various events and activities.
Sponsored Post: Increase media attention.
Social Media Strategy: I currently manage an online group of over 50 bloggers which allows me to expand the reach of your product or service.
Twitter Party: Allow me to handle the set-up, management and execution.
Product Giveaways: If you have a product that you think it perfect, please don’t keep it a secret.
Advertisements: Advertise your brand on Life in Pumps. We offer a variety of options. Feel free to email your proposal.
Other: I am open to other opportunities. Drop me a line and let’s talk.
If you represent a brand interested in advertising or sponsorship, I enjoy working with brands that align with my beliefs and convictions. I write about family, fashion, food and fitness, and I love to shop, travel, read and eat! I’m always open to hearing about possible sponsorship opportunities or ways I can work with a brand that is mutually beneficial. For more information, email me anytime at lifeinpumps@gmail.com.