
Are you ready for the heat?

hot-sun1I have been searching for alternatives to being out in the heat. The kids love going outside every sing day no matter what. And what's worse is apparently our winter rabbit now has spring babies. Kids can't resist rabbits, but anyway back to the weather dilemma… So what am I to do?

There are a few options we are considering. While the sun is out in full force we may need to rearrange our schedule. The first thing to occupy time is of course a few books. The local library is well air conditioned to occupy a couple of hours. This is something we use to do at the local bookstore, but given the boom of online books it's becoming a thing of the past (but that's a topic for another day).

Then we need to get some sort of exercise in before it's time to shut down for the night. Swimming is a great way to burn some energy and stay cool. Although we are still awaiting our local outdoor pool to open up, there is still the inside YMCA pool.

If you have other ideas, please let us know.

Welcome to my home on the web... I’m Tomika, the thought leader behind Life in Pumps. I love all things fashion, fun & travel! I’m a wife and mother of two very active teenagers. I'm a social butterfly and passionate about advocating for breast cancer disparities and the benefits of organics. Follow along as I believe life is more fun when you actually live it!

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  1. Takisha wrote:

    Not sure if you own a Wii gaming system but we sometimes set up family tournaments. It keeps us active, as well as, engaged. It can be great fun!

    Posted 6.28.13

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