
What are You Voting For?

The political talk is everywhere and it continues to drown out the important messages. I encourage you to make your voting plan and decide which issues are most important to you.

I'm Voting For

Education: In 2020, teachers still reminded underpaid and overworked. I think this pandemic and becoming instant virtual teachers have taught most parents this. And while, I am blessed to be in area where our schools are above average, so many kids are not receiving adequate education.

Gun Control: Why are there so many on the street? I believe in the right to bare arms but we have to do a better job of controlling them. And why does any homeowner need an assault weapon?

Racial Equality: Skin color is not a crime or a reason to pay someone less.

Climate Change: We have to take better care of Mother Earth if we want her to take care of us. There are small steps that everyone can take to do their part.

Healthcare: As a breast cancer survivor, I know how crippling medical bills can be. One hour of chemo would cost upwards of 10K if the patient doesn't have the proper insurance. Proper become inaccessible when it becomes about money.

Domestic Violence: The violence against women continues to rise but just seems to be harder and harder to obtain. We have to protect and believe women.

Covid-19: The numbers continue to rise and we need a plan of action. What can we do to stop the spread? The minimum action is to wash your hands, wear a mask and social distance. This is bigger than the common flu.

What are you voting for? Head to iwillvote.com to check your voter registration and make a plan to vote.

Welcome to my home on the web... I’m Tomika, the thought leader behind Life in Pumps. I love all things fashion, fun & travel! I’m a wife and mother of two very active teenagers. I'm a social butterfly and passionate about advocating for breast cancer disparities and the benefits of organics. Follow along as I believe life is more fun when you actually live it!

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