I recently scheduled my mammogram after putting it off for almost a year. This was my first test and I had heard nothing but horror stories about the experience. I signed up to have the test performed on the Fox Chase Mobile Mammography. I was so excited that I actually showed up four hours early.
The morning of the test as I was showering, I felt something in my left breast. I could not be sure it it were my imagination or not. I knew that by the end of the week, I would know. I arrived to find a nice mobile home that had been converted to a mobile medical office. It was very clean and the staff was
knowledgeable and friendly. The test was over in 10 minutes. It took me longer to shower. The process was uncomfortable but was not as bad as I expected.
I was called by the office to alert me that I needed a re-scan as they saw something in my left breast. Since they had nothing to compare it to they want to make certain that no further treatment is needed. My visit occurs on Wednesday where they will perform another scan and take an ultrasound if needed. I will keep you posted on the results but I am not worried. I know God and I am prepared to follow his plan!
If you have let life get in the way of getting your boobies checked or just going to the doctor, I encourage you to make the time. Take action!