
Get rid of the fast food.

For years I have tried to get my family from eating fast food. I gave it up a while ago, but my family was just unwilling to do it. Then one day I was at a meeting and my husband calls telling me my daughter is throwing up. He tells me they just finished eating fast food. At that point I had enough!

Get rid of the fast food. 1I will not pretend it was an easy transition, but I know you can do because we did it. Here are a few quick steps to get you started:
1) Stop buying the wrong food. I actually am not talking about fast food yet. When you are at the super market buy food without color dye, gluten and without sugar. Overtime this will naturally remove the bad things out of your kitchen. You don't want to shock anyone's system. For example, my husband hated Pita Chips as a snack. But when it is the only thing available your family will adjust.

2) Buy two food bags to keep with you. One to carry with you while you are just out and one specifically for the car. In the food bag should only be healthy treats. There are even healthy sweet treats, but nothing beats fruit. Before your family even mentions they are hungry, have that healthy treat available. As we know those big fast food signs in front of restaurants are made to draw our kids to them. Even the colors Yellow/Orange/Red are known to entice people to eat. So before you get close to these hot spots make sure your family is already eating something healthy.

3) Education is the next best tool. You actually have to show your kids how to shop for the proper food. If you get this right, eventually your kids will make sure you buy the right food. When you are at the market be deliberate about reading the labels. Show your children how to find the right food, and then you will make a significant improvement toward leaving fast food for good.

Watch out for more tips.

Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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  1. There were quite a few good ideas here! I like the idea of getting the fmaily to eat the new stuff by not having any bad stuff in the house. I also like the idea of the two bags of snacks one for the car and one to carry. I will be trying these ideas out with my family. Thanks!

    Posted 1.29.13

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