It's World Cancer day. I had no clue that they actually had a day devoted to cancer. Are we expected to celebrate? I hope you use to this day to schedule your screenings and do a self breast exam. I will never forget the day I heard those three words “You have cancer”I long for the day when no one else has to hear it.
I bet you have had a long journey. I can’t imagine what it must be like. I hope for a day when no one hears those words also. How are you doing now? Visiting from #Sits comment group.
Cancer has affected so many people in my family. I’m glad that there’s a World Cancer Day to promote awareness and screenings! And you are right, self breast exams are very important.
Have a great day! I’m visiting from the SITS Comment Love party!
My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. She had a bilateral mastectomy in December and I am doing my best to help with what I can 2000 miles away! I just finished making some head scarfs for her, and I am looking forward to sewing pillowcases for kids with cancer at the end of the month. Cancer sucks!
forgot to add…#sitsblogging
Those are words no one should have to bear the weight of hearing. Thanks for announcing this special day!
It’s definitely not a day to celebrate cancer, but maybe a good time to celebrate the support communities, raise awareness and celebrate the strength of those who suffer with it.
Skin cancer is very common in our family. Such a good reminder to stay on top of checkups!