Abbott partnered with influencers such as me for its Ensure Program. As part of this Program, I received compensation for my time. Abbott/Ensure believes that consumers and influencers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Abbott/Ensure policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media engagement recommendations.
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Ensure®, but the content and opinions
expressed here are my own.
Busy parents can relate to how hard it can be to constantly meet your health goals. It seems that I spend more time in my car than I do in the house. My title on most days is definitely mom-uber and it can make keeping my healthy goals hard.
It is definitely easier to set goals than it is to achieve them. These five tips can help you change the way you start goal setting, so you can accomplish more and be successful on specific goals.
1. Be Realistic
We can all be ambitious with our goals but it's important not to aim so high that you set yourself up for failure. In my mind, I plan to lose 50 pounds by the end of the summer but if I take the time to look at the calendar, I would see that it is a far fetched goal. Summer ends in less than 3 months and it would require that I lose almost 2 pounds per day and I am just not discipline enough to make that happen. What I can do is commit to eating one plant based meal per day and 30 minutes of physical activity three times a week.
2. Be Specific
What is your ultimate end goal? Don't just say you want to “do better” Make your goal known by stating that you want to eat a balanced diet 3 days per week or that you intend to walk on the track every day for thirty minutes.
3. What Are You Eating?
Nothing throws off health goals like being unprepared when it's time to eat. Meal planning can seem like an overwhelming task but when you break it into smaller chunks it is easier to digest. The meal delivery services are a great way to start and find new recipes. I kicked off my eating goals by following the recipes from One Meal A Day Eating one meal a day benefits not only our well being but the planet.
Did you know that 1 in 3 adults over 50 still aren't getting the protein they need daily, according to new National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data from researchers at Abbott and the Ohio State University. Protein is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. The body uses protein to build and repair tissues. Proteins are used to make hormones and other body chemicals. It is one of the body's building block.
Reading food labels can help you make certain you are getting the right amount of nutrients. Drinking an Ensure Protein Max can help the body meet the the daily protein requirement. Ensure Protein Max has 30 grams of high-quality protein, 1 gram of sugar, 1.5 grams of fat and 150 calories and it comes in two great flavors – Café Mocha and Milk Chocolate. They are portable and perfect for busy lifestyles. Just drop it in your bag and go.
3. Start Small
Rome wasn't built in a day so don't expect to be an expert overnight. Allow for setbacks just don't give up.
4. Be Acountable
Find someone that you trust and share your goals with them. They might decide to join you. There all tons of apps an/or fitness trackers available. For many they make the goals seem real and attainable. I always say do what works for you. I like cycling so I often join weekly challenges and I just recently learned about Echelon Fit and will try it out when cycling indoors.
5. Reward Yourself
Once you have identified the goals, it's important to choose rewards that go along with them. Achieving your goals can make you feel good especially if you are motivate by the reward. Make certain the reward does not interfere with the goal itself. You can't reward yourself with candy if the goal is to lower your sugar intake. Aim for something tangible or something that you will not later regret. A great choice is the freeze the Ensure Max Protein Drink and it becomes a healthy frappucino. The Café Mocha flavor includes 100 milligrams of caffeine from Colombian coffee extract, which is as much as one cup of coffee, to help energize your day- a double reward!
Abbott's new Ensure Max Protein helps Americans go for their #HealthGoals
-PICTURED: Kate Walsh
-PHOTO by: Michael Simon/
Actress and health advocate, Kate Walsh, has partnered with Abbott to help adults kick-start their health goals with protein and to share how she has incorporated Ensure Max Protein into her daily routine.
“As we age, our bodies change and so do our nutritional needs. In the last several years, I have made it a priority to understand exactly what my body needs to function at its best,” said Kate Walsh. “Even with my busy lifestyle, I've improved my eating habits by finding simple ways to incorporate protein into my diet so I have energy to take on the day. I love that I can now have Ensure Max Protein on the go, and be confident that my body is getting the right amount of protein it needs.”
Ensure Max Protein is available at most major retailers and online. Head over to Walmart and don't forget to use the $2.00 off ibotta offer.
Abbott partnered with influencers such as me for its Ensure Program. As part of this Program, I received compensation for my time. Abbott/Ensure believes that consumers and influencers are free to form their own opinions and share them in their own words. Abbott/Ensure policies align with WOMMA Ethics Code, Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines and social media
engagement recommendations.