Tomika created Life in Pumps is to help families balance the busyness of life. You will find relatable post about entertainment, family, travel and wellness. The online community will uplift, motivate and inspire families to live their best life.

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Where's My Mommy's Neighborhood…
I created My Mommy's Neighborhood (MMN) as a network to connect moms who felt the need for the unwritten manual because I knew I needed it. In the midst of delivery, I realize that I was going to be a mom. Don't misunderstand me, I knew there was a life growing inside of me and I did all the traditional things to celebrate but I never really thought about it. I went along with the laid out plan but never thought what this would mean for my life, marriage, dreams etc. The midst of delivery was clearly not the best place to try to figure it out. Life began to evolve and it was time for a change.
Heels, Head and Standards High…
I have always been a shoe lover. From the time I was able to walk, I would find any excuse to prance around in high heels. They seemed to make me fearless and confident. Summers were spent with my fashion diva aunts who would encourage mini fashion shows and I can recall crying when it as time to go home and begging to keep a pair of fancy pumps. As the years went by, shoes just became a means to keep my feet covered. It was not until May 2013 when I heard those three words, “You Have Cancer” did I realize that I needed to arm myself with the things that made me feel strong. I quickly became known as the shoe lady in the chemotherapy unit and they looked forward to seeing just which pumps I would be wearing.
Life in Pumps…
Deciding to change your “name” is not an easy task. I had to find something that reflects my lifestyle. The common denominator when I asked people was shoes, all types but mainly high heels, stilettos or pumps. And Life in Pumps was born.
Rarely will you find me without my signature lipstick and/or a conversation starter shoe. Fashion is more about how you feel than how you look and as a curvy girl I want to empower other plus sized women.
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Just the Facts
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My loyal and engaged community of readers are always interested in finding out about the latest products and services. My readers are generally 30- and 50-year-old women (mostly moms) running middle to upper-middle class households. Interests include fitness, fashion, food and wine, natural living, technology and children/teen products.