
Why You Need A Budget?

imageThe real reason that I need a budget is to buy more shoes:) Just kidding, well partly because I really am a shoe addict. Every year around this time, I am putting my receipts and expenses together to file my income taxes only to ask “where did all that money go?”  The answer is always “If you stick to your budget then you will know” This year, I am determine to make a difference but I realize that I need to study my “money habits”

1. When do I shop It seems that most of my purchases occur when I am bored or not feeling myself. Guess I need to either hide my purse, keep busy or find a hobby. I actually plan to create a line item for boredom shopping:) What is your trigger?

2. I need instant gratification which is funny because I like online shopping especially when its a great deal. Maybe it is the thrill of opening the packages or receiving shipping notices via email. I don't know which it is but I know my language speaks to gifts and rewards. My reward for sticking to my budget will be shoes that I purchase with my boredom money at a great price. How will you reward yourself?

3. Each week, I will see just how well I did. I promise not to beat myself up and will start again should I fall short. I will set a time to review and actually add it to my calendar. They say it takes 30 days to create a habit so wish me luck.

Join me for Monday Money Matters as we talk about making our money work!


Welcome to my home on the web... I’m Tomika, the thought leader behind Life in Pumps. I love all things fashion, fun & travel! I’m a wife and mother of two very active teenagers. I'm a social butterfly and passionate about advocating for breast cancer disparities and the benefits of organics. Follow along as I believe life is more fun when you actually live it!

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