
Comfort in the Remote

IMG_1856The past few months have been an emotional roller coaster for me. It seemed that everywhere I turned some one was getting diagnosed, re-diagnosed or passing from cancer. As a thriver, approaching year three of diagnosis, it never really hit me that hard probably because I had time to recover before the next phone call or post.

So many believe that because you complete chemotherapy and/or radiation, that you are cured but unfortunately the correct term is “No Evidence of Disease”. Cancer has no favorite body type, gender or race so early advocating is your best defense. Healthy eating and exercising is a plus to avoid some of the other things that can accompany cancer but it can't prevent it. Yearly exams and monthly self-breast exams is the best place to start along with noting any changes in your body.

I realize that there will probably never be a cure because cancer is big money but can we at least get an over the counter medicine that rids us of the virus much like the common cold. At the Young Survival Coalition National Conference recently in Atlanta, we learned about all the latest advances but still no cure.  This yearly conference offers speakers and sessions to address the issues affected young women diagnosed with breast cancer. I attended my first conference within weeks of completing chemotherapy. I was welcomed into the “sorority” with open arms and knew that as long as I was able I would attend every one. This year reality hit hard when I realized that some of the women that I hugged, laughed and cried with just might not be able to return and not due to financial concerns.

Within days of returning, one of our sisters was admitted to the hospital and gained her heavenly wings and another  was re-diagnosed. I found myself trying to cherish the time and send virtual hugs and love but inside I was crumbling, numb. There came a time where I could not find the right words, only tears and it was then that I knew I needed to just escape.

One of my favorite ways to escape is in my favorite chair, under a blanket, with a cup of tea and my remote.  It is times like these that I am so happy I have Verizon Fios. No matter the time, I can always find a favorite show to watch. My DVR records at least five shows daily. Many times I have it set to record my favorite actor which is great for me because I rarely remember the names of shows. Rush Hour and Bad Boys were my shows of choice.

After six hours of laughter, I knew I was ready to get back into the world. It felt great knowing that if I needed to retreat, I could find a quiet place and enjoy something from Verizon Fios on my mobile app.

Do you ever find comfort in escaping reality with the remote?


Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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  1. I had no idea, Tomika. Thank you so much for sharing. hugs

    Posted 4.12.16

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