
Organic Week DC- Use Your Voice

I am no stranger to Capitol Hill as I am there often advocating for Breast Cancer and thanks to the Organic Trade Association, I had the opportunity to join farmers, CEOS, parents, lobbyists, and scientist as we educated and advocated elected officials on the importance of Organic.

Choosing Organic is how I invest in the well being of my family and help further the mission of a healthier life for all. Organic Week afforded me an opportunity to learn what our government is doing to ensure that organics are available to every person no matter their socioeconomic status. 


ad·vo·ca·cy \ˈad-və-kə-sē\
the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal : the act or
process of advocating something

Merriam Webster
What is The Organic Trade Association

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for organic agriculture and products in North America. OTA is the leading voice for the organic trade in the United States, representing over 9,500 organic businesses across 50 states. Its members include growers, shippers, processors, certifiers, farmers' associations, distributors, importers, exporters, consultants, retailers and others. Organic products represented include organic foods, ingredients and beverages, as well as organic fibers, personal care products, pet foods, nutritional supplements, household cleaners and flowers. OTA’s Board of Directors is democratically elected by its members. *

What is #OrganicWeek?

Organic Week DC is hosted over 3 days: Member Day, Advocacy Day and Conference Day.

organic week dc on Capitol Hill. lobbying for change
growingbig | Life in Pumps

Member Day is for members of the OTA to discuss industry issues, task force meetings and special activities.

Advocating on Capitol Hill for Organic
growingbig | Life in Pumps

Advocacy Day is where we actually shared our personal stories and educated Members of Congress and their staff on the importance of Organic. This is a bipartisan issue so after being split into small groups we visited 186 congressional offices, representing 43 states.

Conference Day Photo- Organic Week DC
growingbig | Life in Pumps David Wasserman, Cook Political Report

Conference Day culminates the week and will focus on bold ideas and critical conversations in a unique new venue – Dock 5 – a creative urban space in the nexus of the bustling, historic Union Market.

Why Does Organic Matter?

Organic refers to way that products are grown and processed. Everyday households across the country recognize the importance of supporting the organic industry.

Organic is Good for the U.S. Economy
• Growth
• Farm Health
• Jobs
• Rural Development and Communities
• Sustainable Practices and Farmworker Health

Organic is a Choice
• Elective Standard
• Market-Based Label
• Consumer Driven
• Access to Healthy Foods

Organic Week DC- Use Your Voice 1
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The Farm Bill

The Farm Bill (The Agriculture Improvement Act) was signed into law in December 2018, and it includes policies that promote a healthy organic marketplace, ensure that organic farmers continue to be successful and that organic expands production.

What are the Asks for 2019?
  1. Fully funded organic programs in annual appropriations and requires USDA to issue a final rule on Origin of Livestock.
  2. Increase accessibility for organic foods in federal programs that feed children.
  3. Recognize the contributions of organic farming in mitigating climate change.
  4. Repair the public-private partnership and advance organic standards.
Organic Week DC Sponsors
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How You Can Help?
  • Reach out to your elected officials and let them know that these asks are important to you.
  • Continue to buy organic products. You can be full-on organic or just buy a few products
  • Educate family and friends on why you choose Organic.
  • Get involved with organizations such as Organic Trade Association
  • Support local growers in your area.

*Organic Trade Association Website

Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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