
Here is Your Eviction Notice!

Dear Cancer,

Team Bryant-Unstoppable
Team Bryant-Unstoppable

I can't say that it has been fun but I will say that you definitely helped me to see just how strong I am. While this is a great lesson, it is officially time for you to go. I realize that “cancer free” is a myth as there is no cure but  as long as my cells are not dividing, I can keep you at bay. Today marked my last Chemotherapy Treatment and I declare that I will not return. I don't want you to take up residence in another body because you just don't know how to act and quite frankly I will not give you a good reference. You stole my boobs, hair, eye brows, eye lashes, money, summer vacations, taste buds, fake friends and my independence but praise be to GOD that I can get those things back. You can keep the fake friends as a parting gift.


Tomika Bryant

Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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  1. Oh Tomika!
    Bless your sweet heart. You are one of the most amazing & positive women ever. Stay strong doll! xoxoxo

    Posted 1.15.14
  2. Darla wrote:

    And good riddance!

    Posted 1.15.14
  3. I am so happy for you.
    What a great day.

    Posted 1.15.14
  4. Andrea wrote:

    Congrats! What great news!

    Posted 1.15.14
  5. Bettina Vance-Johnson wrote:

    Magnify The Lord, He IS worthy to be Praised! God answers prayers! My tears are tears of joy!!! Your strength is an inspiration! Love you sis!!! Congratulations!

    Posted 1.15.14
  6. Mariama wrote:

    And I know that’s right! READ Honey! Keep the shade going cause Cancer, we ain’t got NO time for that! Your fight is my inspiration and BAAABY you are WINNING!!!!! Praise be to the most high! Xoxoxo Love ya girl!

    Posted 1.16.14
  7. Congrats!!! This is the day that the LORD has made let us REJOICE and be glad in it!!!!

    May God continue to bless you!!!

    Jersey Girl!!

    Posted 1.16.14
  8. Dionne wrote:

    The hard places make us stronger; the hard lessons make us smarter. Thank you for sharing your inspirational journey.
    The Movement is YOU!!!

    Posted 1.16.14
  9. Kenisha Stanley wrote:

    I know that’s right!!! To God Be The Glory!!!

    Posted 1.16.14
  10. Sherry wrote:

    Wonderful news!!! You Look great!

    Posted 1.16.14
  11. Congrats on being done! I will keep you prayed up 🙂

    Posted 1.26.14
  12. How wonderful! Congratulations!

    Posted 1.28.14
  13. Heidi Bee wrote:

    Congrats! Will be praying that this is a permanent eviction!

    Posted 1.28.14
  14. Teri wrote:

    Very well said! Cancer steals a lot from you… I’m so happy for you that you’ve finished your chemo and hope that you can relax. Great post! #SITSBlogging #CommentLove

    Posted 2.12.14

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