
Happy World Kindness Day


Yup, you read that right. This year on what is known to many as one of the scariest and unluckiest days of the year is also World Kindness Day. “Friday the 13th”, for many is a day to stay in and hide thanks to Jason, a killer from a movie under the same name. This scary movie was released in 1980 and continues to haunt me to this day.

Many of the events of 2020 will probably also haunt me but one of the reasons that I love November is because it is a reminder to be kind, grateful and show love. This year should be no different. In fact we need to show kindness more than ever. People are depressed from the pandemic, stressed with decisions of virtual, face to face or hybrid education, angry over the election results so showing random acts of kindness will go a long way.

Kindness is contagious. World kindness day quotes
TomikaTalks | Life in Pumps

I approach this month remembering that “kindness is free, sprinkle it everywhere” this kindness quote is one of my favorites. One word or action can change someone's entire day so I am sharing ten easy ways to be kind today

1.Start with you. Self-Care during these crazy times is extremely important so gift yourself 10- 15 minutes each day to recenter.

blessing bras delivery in the Toyota Highlander for world kindness day 2020
TomikaTalks | Life in Pumps

2. Give. You can donate time, money or things.

pandemic travel kit for coronavirus safety
TomikaTalks | Life in Pumps

3. Share. We keep hearing that another lockdown is inevitable and things are going to start flying off the shelves. Buy an extra to share with someone who needs it.

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” 

Scott Adams

4. Say Thank You. Sounds simple but often we are in such a hurry that we forget.

“Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give”


5. Shop Local. Businesses are struggling especially the small ones that depend on the community. Make it a point to support once a week and encourage others to do the same.

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”

Harold S. Kushner

6. Protect the Earth. There are so many ways to reduce our carbon footprint on the earth. Start small and make it a habit.

be kind day with face mask for random acts of kindness day
TomikaTalks | Life in Pumps

7. Smile. Focus on smizing (smiling under the mask)

“Kindness makes you the most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like.” 


8. Listen. Be an active listener

“In times of stress, the best thing we can do for each other is to listen with our ears and our hearts and to be assured that our questions are just as important as our answers.”

Mister Fred Rogers

9. Spread Positivity. Post messages of encouragement to social media and give compliments whenever you can.

“To love yourself is a never-ending journey.” 

Oprah Winfrey

10. Protect Others. Wear a mask, social distance and wash your hands often.

“Kindness can become its own motive. We are made kind by being kind.”

Eric Hoffer

This day was officially launched in 1998 by the World Kindness Movement. Formed by like-minded organizations across the world to inspire individuals towards greater kindness and to connect nations to create a kinder world.

Cardigan day Mister Rogers' World Kindness Day
TomikaTalks | Life in Pumps

If you are a Mister Rogers' fan, don't forget to honor him by wearing a cardigan today! The signature cardigan is a reminder to parents of childhood memories, lessons and values that we learned watching the show hoping to be a neighbor. His lessons of  kindness and ultimate success are timeless. “The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” Always a favorite as he was never afraid to tackle the “hard” topics such as gay rights and race relations that others shied away from.

How will you show kindness today?

Welcome! I’m Tomika, the creative force behind Life in Pumps. As a Philadelphia-based lifestyle expert, Forbes and QVC contributor, I share my passion for automobiles, fashion, travel, and wellness on platforms like Good Morning America and Fox29. When I’m not empowering women through style and wellness, you will find me advocating for breast cancer awareness or exploring adventures. Life is too short not to embrace every moment Join me in making life more vibrant, one authentic experience at a time!

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